This is the API exposed externally by DataCube to restrict access to certain internal components and functionalities.

interface DataCubeAPI {
    applySpecification(specification: DataCubeSpecification): Promise<void>;
    generateSpecification(): Promise<DataCubeSpecification>;
    getProcessedSource(): undefined | DataCubeSource;
    reload(): void;
    retryFailedDataFetches(): void;
    updateName(name: string): void;


  • Applies the specification to the DataCube, i.e. update the query, configuration.

    Note that source cannot be updated via this method, providing a different source than the one the DataCube has will result in an error.


    • specification: DataCubeSpecification

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Generates the specification (including the query, configuration, and source) from the latest state of the DataCube.

    Returns Promise<DataCubeSpecification>

  • Get the processed source of the DataCube.

    Returns undefined | DataCubeSource

  • (Force) reload/rerender the DataCube component.

    This is often used when updating settings that requires a restart.

    Returns void

  • Retries all failed data fetches and rerender the grid.

    Returns void

  • Updates the name of the DataCube main view.


    • name: string

    Returns void