

aggregateOperator: string
aggregationParameters: DataCubeOperationValue[] = []
blur: boolean = false
decimals?: number
displayAsLink: boolean = false
displayCommas: boolean = false
displayName?: string
errorBackgroundColor?: string
errorForegroundColor?: string
excludedFromPivot: boolean = true
fixedWidth?: number
fontBold?: boolean
fontCase?: DataCubeFontCase
fontFamily?: DataCubeFont
fontItalic?: boolean
fontSize?: number
fontStrikethrough?: boolean
hideFromView: boolean = false

Unlike isSelected, this is used to indicate if the column is to be displayed in the grid or not, this would not influence data-fetching, i.e. the column is still fetched and used in various part of the query, but the column associated will not be displayed in the result grid.

isSelected: boolean = true

Used to indicate if the column is to be fetched as part of the result or to be used in aggregation. This would influence data-fetching.

kind: DataCubeColumnKind = DataCubeColumnKind.DIMENSION
linkLabelParameter?: string
maxWidth?: number
minWidth?: number
missingValueDisplayText?: string
name: string
negativeBackgroundColor?: string
negativeForegroundColor?: string
negativeNumberInParens: boolean = false
normalBackgroundColor?: string
normalForegroundColor?: string
numberScale?: DataCubeNumberScale
pivotSortDirection?: DataCubeQuerySortDirection
pivotStatisticColumnFunction?: string
type: string
unit?: string
uuid: string = ...
zeroBackgroundColor?: string
zeroForegroundColor?: string
serialization: SerializationFactory<DataCubeColumnConfiguration> = ...
